Up until recently, there were four choices for persons with Depression. These were:

1. Do nothing, suffer and hope it'll gather better with time. This is the shadowy choice of many, and it doesn't work. They most often rep worse.

2. achieve them on one of the enormous advertised array of drugs, and then set them on other drugs hoping to solve the side effects as they prove up. This is known as the drug “side carry out chain”. (My ex-wife once ended up taking six different drugs in this map, and the ruin achieve was that she got worse instead of better - a not unusual result)

3. Pay exorbitant amounts of money for EEG Biofeedback (Neurofeedback) training. This has been the best solution up to now. The overall success rate (with splendid and abominable clinicians) is considered to be about 85%. But, the cost of 60 (recommended) half hour sessions with a "professional" at $4500 to over $10,000 is above the ability of most mid and indecent income families.

4. Try various allergy clinics to try to procure the allergy/sensitivity responsible, and also do all the various tests for mineral toxicity (mercury, copper, arsenic, cadmium, etc. This is also lovely expensive, with the very best system (destroy Point Titration) costing upwards of $10,000. (For more info on EPT, sight www.Alternate-Health.com/allergy.html) .

Now, there's another choice. I invented a fresh design of changing brain wave amplitude (up or down) that is similar to EEG BF, but is inexpensive enough to give mid and grievous income families a choice besides expensive and hazardous drugs. It's audio messaging mature mostly during sleep. Instead of changing behavior as is "usual" with this technique, it does the same thing that EEG biofeedback (Neurofeedback) does, i.e. it raises the SMR brain wave (12-14 cycles per second - Hz), while lowering the Theta brain wave (4-8 Hz) at the same time.

For those who aren't familiar with EEG BF, this is the most effective brain training mechanism that best solves this particular brain spot. (It also solves ADHD, insomnia, IBS, epilepsy, and even many cases of schizophrenia. There is spacious proof of this effectiveness of EEG BF, and a summary of professional papers can be found at:
) .

In my ancient practice as an Orthomolecular Psychologist, I had faded auditory messaging with qualified success, and in 2004, I realized that it should be possible to employ this technique to do the same thing that was done by the expensive EEG BF units and a computer. Instead of going thru the conscious mind of the "trainee" to affect the unconscious, why not go directly to the unconscious mind?

After more than two years, three clinical trials, and extensive testing utilizing volunteers who paid for the moral to participate, I proved the following:

1. The Bate Auditory Brainwave Training (Patent Pending) Is very similar to EEG BF and accomplishes the same “basic brain training” with these following minor differences:

a. It compares with one night sleep being almost equivalent to one half hour session. 9-10 weeks of sleep showed approximately the same improvement in ADHD diagnosed persons as 60 half hour sessions in a clinic. (Yes, it takes a long time to be effective, with either draw - there really isn't any “magic pill”, in spite of what the drug companies say in their ads.

b. There is more possibility of a Hawthorne carry out in this training than in EEG BF training. For more info on this finish see: .

In the last test, this possible achieve was discussed beforehand and warned about, and while it occurred in a few cases, it did not deter any of the volunteers, as it had done in earlier testing. (This is NOT a risky "side execute" such as can be caused by all drugs! It can cause minor discomfort in a few individuals for only a day or so at worst.)

c. Motivation is no longer a big factor as it is in EEG BF. Both the parents
and the child have to motivated to continue long weeks of training, and if the training is stopped before an waste point, some, or most, of the collect is lost.

2. This system costs under $200, and that is a one-time fee only. It can be conventional for as long as it takes. (With Autistic children, it can consume up to 200 EEG BF sessions) . The system is unexcited of two basic CD's. The first is the precise Audio Training program, playable on any CD player, roar box, etc. The second CD is a computer disk that has several other programs useful as adjuncts to this training. This includes a free allergy/sensitivity test, a free bottle of amino acid supplement that has a calming finish, and several articles on alternate health therapies that have been shown to be of befriend for all types of brain problems.

3. There is also a year's paunchy money help guarantee of success. If any person tries this for at least 60 days, and then states that there has been no famous improvement they will receive a rotund rebate including shipping and handling (which is included in the label) .

Now, even the indecent and mid income families have a choice that doesn't force them to do nothing or to try and/or consume hazardous drugs.

Phil Bate PhD - Retired Orthomolecular Psychologist
Inventor and Patent Pending Holder for
Brain Wave Amplitude Changing via Auditory Training

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Pet Therapy For Depression

by Admin | Thursday, December 29, 2011 in , | comments (1)

Who could bellow that animals can have a clear conclude on emotional well-being? With research being conducted into the field of alternative medicine on an on-going basis, more and more people are beginning to realize the cathartic effects that animals are having on individuals well-being, especially so in those patients suffering with depression.

While some people recover from depression using medications alone, there are many others, who would retract to employ a combination of alternative therapies to try to alleviate the symptoms of depression. One of these treatments being studied is ‘Pet Therapy’, but what is this alternative and how could it assist?

Many scientists have spent endless hours looking into the different types of therapy available for treating depression as an illness; ‘Pet Therapy’ has been concluded as one of these therapies. Animals have long been recognized as being a clear force in the healing process.

Dogs notably have a calming and therapeutic execute on people. They can attend individuals to cope with the emotional issues related to their illness. They also offer physical contact with another living creature and wait on to divert a person's attention from their pressing daily problems.

Owning a dog brings about a sense of responsibility. Dogs rely on their owners for feeding, walking, attention and worship. What better excuse for a melancholy person to net out of bed in the morning?

Dogs worship almost everyone without any degree of prejudice or rejection. You do not need to swear any type of language to communicate with a four-legged friend. Give them a treat, tickle their tummy and they will savor you without bounds.

Dogs are aware of illness and sadness and genuinely want to provide companionship and comfort; they present an abundance of intelligence and are both intuitive and compassionate. Any dog owner will portray and agree with me when I say that it is a warm feeling when their dog can detect their sorrow and lick their tears away.

Pet Therapy can facilitate many sure changes one such example being increased socialization skills. Animals can be mature as share of group therapy programs to help communication and increase the ability to focus.

Helping to build a person’s self-esteem and reducing their loneliness and fright are impartial some potential benefits of individual-animal therapy.

The bond between humans and animals is demonstrated every day in millions of homes around the world. It is also becoming a considerable, well-liked mode of therapy in many facilities such as hospitals, schools and residential homes.

While it is difficult to measure and quantify the benefits of dog therapy with hard scientific fact, there is no expect that the magical interaction possible between animal and human is unmistakable.

Tears can be dried. Scowls transform into smiles. Silence is broken and lastly but not least importantly loneliness and isolation can be ejected from a person through mere touch and cuddles.

Dogs offer their owner’s absolute and unconditional appreciate and a level of boundless patience that no human could ever possibly give. The appreciate of a dog is unlimited, what better build of alternative therapy could there be?

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Depression And Clinical Depression

by Admin | Sunday, December 25, 2011 in , | comments (0)

Today we know a lot more about depression, this disease is one of the celebrated and perilous mental conditions we can encounter in all societies and in all cultures, it is in fact, an across the board human position which, in the last few years, notable achievements have been made.

The notion of depression and the recognition that it was, in fact, a serious mental condition, has brought about many opinions and researchers to try and peruse more about the causes for depression and the ways to try and combat it. the recent ago, with psychoanalysis science and psychological research has discovered mighty about the human mind and spirit, and one of the most vital processes were the discovery of mental conditions that do not constitute a region of permanent mental disorder, these diseases were actually more like viruses, almost anyone had the melancholy statistical chance of “catching” it, and everyone needed to know more about it so they could try and avoid it.

Clinical depression is a serious medical condition that affects millions of people throughout the world. Also known as major depression disorder, clinical depression is experienced by various types of people in many different walks of life. Although most people experience a few terms of sadness throughout their lives, clinical depression is more than fair a case of the “blues”, it is remarkable more like a crashing force that does not let the person suffering from it to function properly, and sometimes even not function at all.

It is estimated that clinical depression affects about sixteen percent of the world population. Imagine people suffering obtain depression 200 years ago, even 500 years ago, without pleasant view of this condition, many people throughout history have been outcastes and rejected from society honest because of a case of depression.

According to most studies, the average onset of a typical case occurs in the unhurried 20s. Gender also plays a role; nearly twice as many females as males picture or receive treatment for depression, though this dissimilarity seems to shrink after women come the age of fifty, when most females have gone through menopause. Depression is currently the leading cause of disability in the United States and is expected to become the second leading cause of disability worldwide in the next twenty years or so.

If you have ever seen a person that suffers from depression you are surely aware of the dangers or having this condition, life, with all its astounding attributes is covered, and all that remains to a person with depression is the empty feeling of sadness, something this person can not impartial “snap out of”, even for a second, depression is a very serious thing, and we should all try to and know more about it.

There are many different signs and symptoms of depression. Some of these may include an overwhelming feeling of loss, panic, or pessimism, a posthaste gather or loss in weight, disturbances in sleep patterns, fatigue, self-harm, and suicidal tendencies. It is advised that if you, or anyone you know, is experiencing these symptoms or symptoms similar to these, you should contact a mental health professional or help group. They may be able to succor.

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If you have depression, or at least you reflect you have one, you must realize that you should not diagnose yourself. You need to have a healthcare practitioner that is skilled to give you a just assessment and professional diagnosis of your condition.

There is absolutely no reason to feel worried or embarrassed when talking to a healthcare provider regarding any symptoms of your condition. There are many healthcare professionals that are very conception of your jam. After all, they were trained to gaze and treat depression.

If you have symptoms like these, do not hesitate consulting a medical practitioner. Before getting any real serve or treatment for depression, you must need to first have a diagnosis that is legal.

You ogle, these symptoms are also symptomatic of other problems. For example, weight loss, fatigue and sleeping patterns may not be caused by depression, but by some medical jam. Other symptoms like losing interest in activities that you previously enjoyed or problems with attention or memory may not be related to depression at all but may be indicative of a undiagnosed medical condition.

You need to consult a doctor so that you can accomplish definite that the symptoms you are experiencing are actually a result of your depression and from there, you can inaugurate what the best treatment for you individual case. The doctor might ask you to acknowledge questions to fully assess and benefit resolve if you actually have depression and possibly conduct tests to resolve that your symptoms are a result of some other health screech.

Depression is a medical condition that is true. Remember that having depression is not something that you want to have. You probably would not assume less of someone who has influenza or is suffering from heart disease. In the same manner, you must not be ashamed or feel guilty that you suffer from depression.

Depression will not go away by "toughing it out" or "being strong.” Being outmoded in your will does not instantly cause you to be uncomfortable. Most cases of depression can't simply go away honest by trying to cheer up. You can't simply design it go away by doing exercises, taking vitamins or going on a vacation. Treating your depression requires professional encourage - you can't do it alone. Like any other serious illnesses, depression needs professional treatment from a healthcare practitioner. When you are suffering from depression, you need to ask for attend to develop the plight go away.

Your feelings might change when treatment comes along. You should be blissful to know that depression has proved to be one of the most easily treated conditions.

When you are seeking treatment for your depression, what type of healthcare professional should you behold?

Although there are some issues raised on what treatment is the best for depression problems (whether it is drugs, therapy, or if it is a mixture of both), there is actually a type of healthcare professional that is highly favorable to wait on you recover from depression and various mood disorders that utilize medications or drugs: a psychiatrist.

Psychologists, in fairness, are also highly respectable to cure depression problems, but they are not medical professionals and as such, cannot prescribe medications. You should realize that psychologists specialize in therapy, especially talk therapy. If you do not know if you need drugs or medications, it might show best to launch your treatment of depression under a psychiatrist's care.

If you consider you might also have a excellent chance of eliminating depression through talk therapy, many psychiatrists can also be noble in this, although there are some that may refer you to more experienced therapists. More on this in an upcoming article.

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Pregnancy is a period in a woman’s life when needless to say, several internal and external changes are occurring on a daily basis. There is a life, a whole unique person growing inside of you and when this person is born, he or she will be totally helpless and dependent on you. To some women, this is a source of joy and excitement as they anticipate the responsibility of motherhood-especially the first time, to others; it is a source of a particular type of depression: Pregnancy Depression.

Although pregnancy depression can be triggered by the pregnancy and associated factors itself, it may be as a result of a previous site of other forms of depression. This is why being heart-broken while being pregnant should be addressed and approached differently.

What must be of uttermost danger is : there is a life inside of you, consequently, extra care must be taken on how to treat pregnancy depression as anything you ingest does have the tendency of getting into your baby’s bloodstream.

To this do some women, after discovering the side-effects of several of the so-called anti-depression drugs, accomplish the decision to pause the consume of some common depression medications even as they may be going through pregnancy depression. Perhaps the scare of exposing their babies to the numerous side-effects of depression drugs may be the main distress. Well, it’s generous to say this may be a wise choice. However, what can one do as an alternative for treating depression during pregnancy?

There are other options.

Pregnancy Depression: Options for Natural Treatment

Based on research before even getting on the computer to type up this article, to confirm my convictions on drug-free healing for human ailments, the following three limbs of drug-less healing may be sufficient as pregnancy depression treatment options and I will have you know after the delivery of your child, they can mild be faded effectively in space of synthetic, side-effect laden depression drugs.

-Proper Exercise: This arrangement exercises the motor centers of the brain, making the blood lumber away from the emotional activity center; consequently one becomes more receptive to determined thoughts. Though I personally recommend yoga for its numerous therapeutic effects on depression, depending on the stage of your pregnancy, it may not be the safest choice, at least not while you’re pregnant. However, there are some poses you can exercise that alleviate pregnancy depression and actually will strengthen the lower body in preparation for childbirth. They include: The ‘corpse/relaxation pose’, the ‘Diamond/Vajrasana Pose’, The ‘Eagle Pose’, ‘Lord of the Dance Pose’, ‘Tree Pose’ and Simple ‘Yogic Square breathing exercises’. Of course, exercises of the western culture such as walking, employ of treadmills, bikes and things of that nature can be incorporated as alternatives for consume.

-Proper Diet:
Ladies (and expectant dads who may read this) assume about this quote by the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates: “let your foods be your medicine and your medicine your foods…” Needless to say for your health and that of the baby’s, it will be notable that you eat properly. This includes luminous what, when and how to eat even the fine foods for nourishment.

-Positive Thinking:
“Be renewed by the transformation of your thoughts” (Rom 12:2)
That quote says it all. What and how you consider plays a very vital role on your life and how you idea it. This also dictates your actions towards fixing the things that may be causing or aggravating your depression during pregnancy. Read up on self-help books, your religious books (if applicable) and safe media sources that advocates and promotes certain thinking.

Pregnancy depression, like other forms of depression, can be controlled and ultimately overcome. Empower yourself with the indispensable knowledge and tools needed to execute this. It is my hope that this article will be superior in that regards.

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